Organic Gardening Products
Brookside Contracting is a distributor of a line of organic gardening products. We primarily sell soil amendments and fertilizers.
After practicing organic gardening for over a decade ourselves, we know for sure that the secret to healthy plants, good crop production, and a strong eco-system is healthy soil, and we offer the products necessary to achieve a good soil structure for your garden or landscape, free of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
We also recognize a couple of major trends; one toward green landscaping and the other toward small scale organic food production. Due to the economy, environmental safety issues, food safety issues and a general focus on health and nutrition, people are increasingly interested in both.
These are exciting trends and we want to support them. That is why we became a distributor. Because one thing we have learned from experience is that many of the products necessary for green landscaping and organic gardening are difficult to find. In response we began carrying this line of organic/green gardening products.
Please see our product list for product descriptions and contact us for pricing and other information.